
The purpose of this course is to apply current national recommendations on obstetric emergency management and discover the importance of non-technical skills to improve team performance.



“Maternal Mortality represents a serious public health problem in our country. On the other hand, we also know that after each maternal death there is a family and social drama . For more than 20 years, the Mortality Ratio has fluctued between 39 and 50 maternal deaths pero 100000 births. Most maternal deaths in Argentine occur within maternity hospitals. And its main causes are abortion, postpartum hemorrhage, hypertensive states of pregnancy, and infections (sepsis) associated with abortion and the purperium. It is essential to imporve the quality of care in Obstetric Services, particularly that concerning the management of obstetric emergencies, so that their professional teams can act appropriately and without delay.” Extract from the Brief Manual for clinical practice in obstetric emergencies  (OBE). 

DIRIGIDO A all health professionals and personnel involved in the care of obstetric patients, namely: specialists and general practitioners, obtetrics graduates, technicians, nurses, residents, and advanced students (having studied obstetrics)

MODALITY virtual with a total duration of 6 hours to be developed in 7 days with a synchronous meeting on Wednesday 10/28 18 hs.



Apply reflection from practice, and from practice itself.


Know reflective methods of analysis of situations


Discover the importance of non-technical skills.


Review knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of the most recurrent OBE 


Analyze and evaluate the initial measures in the treatment of an obstetric emergency

Know the application of simulation to the management of obstetric emergencies 


Lic. Rocío Gamberoni, MP 10832

  • INSPIRE Advanced Clinical Simulation Instructor

  • Degree in Obstetrics

Dr. Manuel Villasol, MP 114591

  • INSPIRE Advanced Clinical Simulation Instructor

  • Hierarchical Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics

Dr. Sergio Mendoza, MP 1442

  • INSPIRE Advanced Clinical Simulation Instructor

  • Gynecologist and Obstetrician

Lic. Ana Zarragoycoechea, MP 11060

  • INSPIRE Advanced Clinical Simulation Instructor

  • Degree in Obstetrics