Webinar:  Role of simulation in endoscopy training         


Do not miss it !

On Monday, March 8, 2021 at 6:00 PM AR

Dr. Martin Guidi, director of the «Training program in digestive endoscopy with simulators» together with Dr. Nelson Condado will tell us about the impact that simulation has on this discipline.


Endoscopy has become the main diagnostic and therapeutic tool for gastrointestinal pathology.
This webinar is introductory to the world of simulation in endoscopy, we will explain the basic principles of the practice, linked to what refers to training in endotherapy through the use of virtual, synthetic and hybrid simulators. 
We will detail the role of simulation in learning digestive endoscopy, we will show the current evident that supports simulation as a method to accelerate the learning curve in endoscopy.

AIMED AT: Specialists in gastroenterology, surgery, pediatrics, residents, fellows and concurrent of the specialty with basic experience in endoscopy who wish to acquire skills in basic therapeutic techniques. 


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Dr. Martín Guidi

  • Especialista Jerarquizado Consultor en Gastroenterología

  • Director del Programa de Entrenamiento en Endoscopía Digestiva - INSPIRE Simulación FEMEBA

  • Director de Curso de Simulación en CPRE en PROACE (Programa de Actualizaciones en Colangiografía Endoscópica)

  • Coordinador Unidad de terapeútica biliopancreática del Hospital El Cruce- Buenos Aires

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Dr. Nelson Condado

  • Specialist in Gastroenterology

  • Jefe de Gastroenterología del Hospital  Subzonal de Bolivar

  • Director del Programa de Entrenamiento en Endoscopía Digestiva - INSPIRE Simulación FEMEBA

  • Director PROACE (Programa de Actualizaciones en Colangiografía Endoscópica)



We wait for you in the Endoscopy Training Program with mixed modality simulators

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