The main objective of this course is the adequate management of the patient with mechanical ventilation requirement.
Assisted Mechanical Ventilation (AMV) is an integral part of the care of critically ill patients and essential for the support of vital functions, significantly improving the survival of patients with severe respiratory failure. Medical professionals treating this critically ill patients should know the Basic Principles of AMV (physiological goals, pathophysiological effects of AMV, disengagement of the AMV), and Respirator Handling (ventilation modes and flows, indications and initial programming, fixed and interchengeable component, supply system and gas mixture). Training in the management of these resources and situations that require AMV can improve the performance of medical care and the prognosis of patient.
AIMED AT Health professionals involved in the management of patients requiring mechanical ventilation. Doctors, Nurses and Physical Therapists
MODALITY Presential and virtual
Apply the principles of mechanical ventilatio.
Transport a patient in AMV.
Review respiratory physiology to understand ventilator-patients interaction.
Understand the graph of normal ventilation and its alterations.
Learn to program the different modes and parameters of the mechanical ventilation.